Medica 2005

Data Mining Tool Decision Master© 4.0 in Medicine

We shall be pleased to see you at Medica 2005 at our exhibition stand G74-11 in hall 3. Together with our partner ImageInterpret GmbH we will be represented at the Medica. We invite you to inform yourself about our latest product Decision Master Version 4.0 and to learn more about the application of Data Mining in medicine. You are also welcome to visit our information program on this subject at the Medica. About this you will find more detailed information at this place from October onwards.

Advances in Data Mining

Springer Verlag
ISBN: 3-540-44116-6

Data Mining and Multimedia Data
Springer Verlag
ISBN: 3-540-00317-7



Logfile-Analysetool NetLog

Logfile-Analysetool NetLog